Right now it is at the lowest it can be and it still burns fairly dark marks into the wood I'm using. Is there a way to adjust the amount of power the laser uses for the image with the software? I'm aware of the dial on the machine. Is there any way to use a vector file with this software so that the laser, instead of sweeping back and forth horizontally, follows the path laid out by the image? (for example: drawing the square instead of working its way down doing one dot at a time on each of the left and right sides of the square) Is there a software manual anywhere for either LaserDRW or Coreldraw?
I have gotten it to work, but I am here because I have a series of problems that I haven't been able to fix with it. (feel free to ask any questions about them here, as there do not seem to be any good google results for either) Hello, I recently purchased this engraving laser and it came with the notoriously bad Chinese LaserDRW3 software alongside CorelLaser which have both been difficult to get used to.